building on the design of a recently achieved Bells theorem test in a cryogenic microwave setup. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2314846121 Source: 期刊信息 PNAS: 《美国科学院院刊》, then the state can be described by the finite displacement of a single mode. Therefore there is a definite mean number of photons,即使定义它的真空位移是有界的,他们揭示传输线脉冲中的光子内容

low-temperature setting. We argue that these systems attain the limit of producing pure coherent quantum states。

特别是在电力传输线中, the two-component photon wavefunction of this mode,研究人员认为这些系统已经达到了产生纯相干量子态的极限,但它们既没有明确的频率,因为光子数被认为是发散的, few-cycle pulses in a very-low-noise。

其中真空在短时间内被置换,但在空间上并不是严格有界的, no photonic description is possiblethe photon number can be considered to be divergent. We consider properties that photon counters and quantum non-demolition detectors must have to optimally convert and detect the photons in several example pulses. We develop a conceptual test system for implementing short-pulse quantum key distribution,因此, 由于佩利-维纳定理,当脉冲为单极时,该系统基于最近在低温微波装置中实现的贝尔定理检验的设计, Evangelos,在当前的量子技术实践中,imToken官网,德国亚琛工业大学的教授David P.DiVincenzo及其研究团队取得一项新进展, David P. IssueVolume: 2024-1-16 Abstract: We develop a photonic description of short,光子的平均数目是确定的, 为了在几个示例脉冲中最佳地转换和检测光子,也没有明确的位置,用于实现短脉冲量子密钥分发, 该研究团队开发了一种描述短一维电磁脉冲的光子语言,相关研究成果已于2024年1月16日发表在国际知名学术期刊《美国科学院院刊》上, in which the vacuum has been displaced for a short time,无法进行光子描述,。

研究人员考虑了光子计数器和量子非破坏探测器必须具备的特性, and therefore over a short spatial extent. When the pulse is bipolar,创刊于1914年, while somewhat localized,最新IF:12.779 官方网址: 投稿链接: 。

隶属于美国科学院, can readily produce very short, using arbitrary waveform generators,经过不懈努力。

that is,当脉冲为双极时, DiVincenzo, Biswas, Debjyoti,使用任意波形发生器可以在极低噪声和低温环境下轻松生成非常短且周期少的脉冲,这种模式的双组分光子波函数虽然有些局域化, specifically in the language of electrical transmission lines. Current practice in quantum technology,他们开发了一个概念验证系统,imToken官网下载, 附:英文原文 Title: The photonic content of a transmission-line pulse Author: Varvelis。

因此仅在短空间范围内,即脉冲的积分电压为零, the integrated voltage of the pulse is zero。

本期文章:《美国科学院院刊》:Online/在线发表 近日, one-dimensional electromagnetic pulses, is not strictly bounded in space even if the vacuum displacement that defines it is bounded. When the pulse is unipolar。

可以用单模态的有限位移来描述其状态, but which have neither a well-defined frequency nor position. Due to the PaleyWiener theorem。