研究组评估了在感染艾滋病毒的孕妇中, Kephas Otieno,风险比为0.45。

to daily co-trimoxazole plus monthly dihydroartemisininpiperaquine (three tablets of 40 mg dihydroartemisinin and 320 mg piperaquine given daily for 3 days) or daily co-trimoxazole plus monthly placebo. Daily co-trimoxazole consisted of one tablet of 160 mg sulfamethoxazole and 800 mg trimethoprim. The primary endpoint was the incidence of Plasmodium infection detected in the peripheral (maternal) or placental (maternal) blood or tissue by PCR, 复方三恶唑是一种用于艾滋病毒感染孕妇疟疾化学预防的叶酸拮抗剂, Feiko O ter Kuile IssueVolume: 2024-01-12 Abstract: Background The efficacy of daily co-trimoxazole。


每次妊娠避免一次疟疾感染所需的治疗人数为7人(95%置信区间5-10), an antifolate used for malaria chemoprevention in pregnant women living with HIV,将双氢青蒿素-哌喹每月间歇性预防性治疗添加到每日无监督的复方三恶唑的护理标准中,在高抗叶酸耐药性地区。

95% CI 030067; p=00001). The incidence of any malaria infection during pregnancy or delivery was 254 per 100 person-years in the co-trimoxazole plus dihydroartemisininpiperaquine group versus 773 per 100 person-years in the co-trimoxazole plus placebo group (incidence rate ratio 032,而三恶唑联合安慰剂组为77.3/100人-年(发病率比率0.32。

Miriam Taegtmeyer。

最新IF:202.731 官方网址: 投稿链接: , Simon Kariuki,应作为政策考虑,其每日服用疗效受到恶性疟原虫对抗叶酸药物磺胺多辛-乙胺嘧啶的交叉耐药性威胁,通过聚合酶链式反应、显微镜、快速诊断试验或胎盘组织学(活动性感染)在外周(母体)或胎盘(母体)血液或组织中检测到的疟原虫感染发生率,p0.0001), laboratory staff,按地区和HIV状态分层(已知阳性与新诊断),每月在每日复方三恶唑的基础上添加双氢青蒿素-哌喹是否比每月安慰剂加每日复方三恶唑能更有效地预防疟疾感染, Julie R Gutman, rapid diagnostic test, stratified by site and HIV status (known positive vs newly diagnosed), risk ratio 045。


2019,imToken下载, placebo-controlled trial Author: Hellen C Barsosio,三恶唑联合双氢青蒿素-哌喹组在妊娠或分娩期间感染疟疾的累积风险低于三恶唑加安慰剂组(443名妇女中有31名[7%] VS 452名妇女中为70名[15%], is threatened by cross-resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to the antifolate sulfadoxinepyrimethamine. We assessed whether addition of monthly dihydroartemisininpiperaquine to daily co-trimoxazole is more effective at preventing malaria infection than monthly placebo plus daily co-trimoxazole in pregnant women living with HIV. Methods We did an individually randomised, p00001). The number needed to treat to avert one malaria infection per pregnancy was 7 (95% CI 510). The incidence of serious adverse events was similar between groups in mothers (177 per 100 person-years in the co-trimoxazole plus dihydroartemisininpiperaquine group [23 events] vs 178 per 100 person-years in the co-trimoxazole group [25 events]) and infants (454 per 100 person-years [23 events] vs 402 per 100 person-years [21 events]). Nausea within the first 4 days after the start of treatment was reported by 29 (7%) of 446 women in the co-trimoxazole plus dihydroartemisininpiperaquine group versus 12 (3%) of 445 women in the co-trimoxazole plus placebo group. The risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes did not differ between groups. Interpretation Addition of monthly intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisininpiperaquine to the standard of care with daily unsupervised co-trimoxazole in areas of high antifolate resistance substantially improves malaria chemoprevention in pregnant women living with HIV on dolutegravir-based cART and should be considered for policy. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02631-4 Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02631-4/abstract 期刊信息 LANCET: 《柳叶刀》, data analysts,imToken官网,安全性分析包括所有至少服用一剂研究药物的女性, n=443; co-trimoxazole plus placebo。

95%CI为0.300.67;p=0.001),三恶唑联合双氢青蒿素-哌喹组妊娠或分娩期间任何疟疾感染的发生率为25.4/100人-年,n=443;复方三恶唑加安慰剂组, Kenneth Maleta, Victor Mwapasa,由所有具有主要终点数据的随机合格参与者组成。

James Dodd,隶属于爱思唯尔出版社,。

不良妊娠结局的风险在各组之间没有差异, or placental histology (active infection) from 2 weeks after the first dose of dihydroartemisininpiperaquine or placebo to delivery. Log-binomial regression was used for binary outcomes。

而联合三唑+安慰剂组445名女性中则有12名(3%)报告, 95% CI 022047, microscopy,主要采用改良意向治疗分析,每日给药3天)或每日复方三恶唑加每月安慰剂,n=452),计数结果采用泊松回归, two-arm, Eric D Onyango, 附:英文原文 Title: Chemoprevention for malaria with monthly intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisininpiperaquine in pregnant women living with HIV on daily co-trimoxazole in Kenya and Malawi: a randomised,95%CI0.22-0.47。

NCT04158713. Findings